DRSS Jayden James 25Y

Birthdate: February 25th 2011
Birth Weight: 94lbs
Percentage: 1/2 MaineTainer
CMAA # R514377SB

​                       HAA Cross Roads 511S
            Hall's Crossing 454W
                       Hall's Legacy Princess 454P
​DRSS Jayden James 25Y

           Daines Miss 120P

Here is a female we are excited about and feel will be the cornerstone and future of our program here at Dun Rite. 

Maternal brother to Jayden James.
Maternal brother to Jayden James.
Maternal brother to Jayden James.
2011 Robert Smith Memorial Reserve Champion Heifer calf. 
2011 CWA Reserve Champion Mainetainer Heifer Calf.

2012 CWA MaineTainer Bred Heifers class winner.

Jayden James calf picture.

Click pictures below for larger view.
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